Saturday, June 11, 2011

Yay, I can drive it safely now.

So today I fixed the throttle cable, the previous owner wasn't able to fix it so he tied a cord to the cable and pulled up on it when the cable stuck in full throttle position. Let's just say that was a very interesting way to drive... he referred to it as involuntary Cruise Control.

So I took the cable out, ran some WD40 and fresh motor oil down the line and twisted slide and moved around the cable until it slid freely. Also, this cable had these funnel shaped ends on it, and one had come off and was helping the cable to bind weird. So I was able to press that end back on, lube up all of the pedal arm assembly and re-installed the cable. Bingo, that did the trick alright. One less thing to worry about, and now it can actually go to Full Throttle, I was able to get it up to about 70 on the freeway instead of 55 like before.

I did however notice while I was in there what the "throttle" cable was for on the dash, and why it doesn't seem to be working today. That cable is a way to warm up the engine. The Cortez does not have an automatic choke for the warm up phase, so this was in place to allow you to crack open the butterflies just a bit while the motor is warming up so it doesn't stall at the first stop light you come to... or 3 times while you are trying to start it cold. Found that out the hard way.

So I will need to fix that as well, it looks like a cable mechanism that simply attaches to the same arm from the pedal assembly (Where the throttle cable end attaches.) It should be fairly easy to fix, I just ran out of time to look at it today.

Next on the list is the water heater. I think I will finally get a chance to make and use my DIY instant water heater I ws going to build for the Aristocrat I have most of the parts already, in fact the Cortez came with one of the 1" copper elbows I needed... That's $10 less then I thought it would cost. ;)

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